In light of the continued lockdown and the uncertainty of when these measure will be relaxed, it is unclear when the Acupuncture clinic will be open for face to face consultations. I am therefore offering to all existing and new patients online Chinese Herbal medicine consultations (via FaceTime, WhatsApp etc). New patients are for 1 hour and existing patients are usually for 30 minutes. Many herbalist provide care this way and I believe I too can provide valid and effective treatments for those in need.
I am still providing repeat formulas for those already taking herbal prescriptions and my products (skin creams, ointments, tinctures, syrups, tablets etc) are still available to buy from the clinic.
I have attended a number of webinars and have researched the treatment of COVID19 using Chinese herbal medicine so if you have or know anyone with symptoms of COVID19, herbs can be very helpful in lessening symptoms and slowing progression of the disease. An online consultation would be necessary to assess that persons needs and herbs are generally sent out to them using a third party supplier. I do have preventative medicines available to purchase from the clinic too, these formulas has been used to good effect on frontline health workers in China working with the disease. I am also working on a herbal formula (Qing Fei Pai Du Tang) for mild to moderate symptoms of COVID. This formula has been promoted in the hospitals of Wuhan and has had an overall effectiveness rate of nearly 90% for recovery of mild to moderate symptoms (remember 80% of patients will recover anyway without herbs) but the research has shown statistical significance.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 07989 950462