Flawed study promotes unfounded concerns over safety of Chinese herbal medicines for women in pregnancy.
The study ‘Maternal traditional Chinese medicine exposure and risk of congenital malformations: a multicenter prospective cohort study” published recently in The Daily Mail has met with widespread criticism by UK academics and the leading regulator of the practice of TCM, the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM).
The study in question has failed to meet basic standards of academic rigor, statistical analysis and methodology necessary for conclusions to be drawn. Further to this, the study fails to distinguish between highly trained professionals that adhere to a global 21st Century standard of safe practice, and those practicing without those standards and safeguards, or potentially self-prescribing.
Herbal toxicity is an important ongoing issue of concern for the RCHM, to which it takes appropriate action. Practitioner members are subject to high training standards for entry enabling the safe prescription of herbal medicines.
To read more please click on this link for full article: https://bit.ly/3n6Dk5J