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Treating Children with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine

Treating children can be one of the most important and rewarding tasks for practitioners. It is said the ‘children get sick quickly and recover quickly’ and that ‘the diseases of our old age are incurred in our youth’. Unlike treating adults where it can take a longer time to achieve results, with children the response is often rapid and the benefits for their long term health of appropriate treatment incalculable.

Many common conditions which children suffer from and which at the hands of conventional medicine often lead to treatments which can have long term consequences for the child’s health. In particular, the over-prescription of antibiotics for self-limiting conditions not only weakens immunity but promotes recurrence and can lead to the development of chronic debilitating conditions with profound implications for the child’s future health and well-being.

Of course, having the right treatment is only part of the solution, dietary and lifestyle advice is also imperative for children to thrive, and this is also part of our treatment plan.

If you would like to know more please get in touch on 01305 759405 or click on this link to our website :

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